Packaging & delivery: After drying, your order will immediately be removed from the dryer for folding and packaging.

For any items that should not touch heat during the cleaning process, please consider our Wash & Hang Dry service or Dry Cleaning service. To uphold quality, each order is kept separate during the cleaning process and laundered using the detergent and fabric softener preferences specified in your Account. Cleaning: All orders are washed on cold and dried on medium heat. Clothes are sorted into lights and darks, pockets are checked, and items are scanned and treated for stains. Check-in: Upon arrival at our facility, each bag is checked in for cleaning. Special instructions will be flagged by our system during check-in for our Facility Manager to address. Simply fill your Blue Bag, place it out on your scheduled pickup day, and we’ll take care of the rest! Submit any special cleaning requests to Customer Care or through your Online Account. There’s no need to sort or do any prep work in advance. Preparation: Use The Blue Wash, Dry, Fold Bag for anything that can go through a standard washer and dryer, including everyday clothing, sheets, towels, and washing machine-safe comforters. If you choose to send in another Laundry Bag during week 4 of the subscription period, you would be billed at the discounted rate (15% off) for the Laundry Bag. If you use 1 Laundry Bag during week 1, 2 Laundry Bags during week 2, and 1 Laundry Bag during week 3, your Laundry Bag credits will be depleted at the end of week 3. For example, if you are enrolled in the 2U Weekly subscription plan, you will receive 4 Laundry Bag credits. While the subscription is intended for use across 4 weeks of service, we have built it to be flexible and allow customers to use the bag credits at any point during the subscription period.

If you choose our 2U Weekly+ plan, 4 Laundry Bag and 4 Linen Bag credits will be added to your 2ULaundry account for use during the 4-week subscription period. If you choose our 2U Weekly plan, 4 Laundry Bag credits will be added to your 2ULaundry account for use during the 4-week subscription period. Once you enroll in a subscription plan, you will be billed for 4 weeks of service.